Friday, January 8, 2010

Early Ontario Sour Cream Biscuits

I'm going to cook my way through "The Laura Secord Canadian Cook Book" in one year!

Pfffttt... no. No I'm not. I will however share a recipe from said book that I prepared last night. Beef Stew was on the menu and I wanted some sort of quick bread biscuit for the sopping up of delicious red wine infused gravy.

I grabbed the Laura Secord book, which is filled with a strange mix of odd, obscure, sometimes hokey, and finally traditional recipes - I absolutely love this book, and plan to do a full review on it in the foreseeable future. Anyway, I flipped to the page containing the traditional tea biscuit recipe, only to be swayed by the recipe previous to it:

"Early Ontario Sour Cream Biscuits"

  • 2¼ cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ¼ cup shortening
  • 1½ cups sour cream
  1. Blend together dry ingredients
  2. Cut in the shortening
  3. Stir in the sour cream
  4. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead 8 to 10 times
  5. Roll out or pat ½ inch thick and cut with biscuit cutter, upturned glass, etc...
  6. Bake on ungreased sheet @ 450° F until light golden brown (about 15 minutes)
So, they're basically tea biscuits with sour cream used in place of milk. The blurb before the recipe in the book states: "These rich biscuits reflect the German predilection for sour cream in cooking, which has influenced many of our (Canadians) recipes.

I don't know about German influence, but they did turn out to be very edible biscuits. I couldn't even post a picture of one now because they went directly out of the oven and into our mouths without stopping a moment to pose for the camera. Next time, I promise not to be so forgetful.

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